The Starry Deer Caiman and Structure 44 at Yaxchilan, Chiapas, Mexico


  • Stanislaw Iwaniszewski Instituto Nacional de Antropologia a Historia
  • Jesús Galindo Trejo Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México



animate entity, Maya astronomy, Milky Way, Starry Deer Caiman


This paper analyses the meaning of astronomical alignments of Structure 44 from Yaxchilan, Mexico. The lack of direct solar referents calls for a more integrative approach in which archaeoastronomy is supplemented by the research fields of archaeology, epigraphy and iconography. The designation of Structure 44 as an otoot (dwelling, house) building allows us to conceptualize it as a type of animate entity which is linked with the representation of the figure of the Starry Deer Caiman, one of the Maya Milky Way constellations.


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Author Biographies

  • Stanislaw Iwaniszewski, Instituto Nacional de Antropologia a Historia

    Stanislaw Iwaniszewski is Professor of Archaeology at the Postgraduate Studies Division of the National School of Anthropology and History, Mexico (ENAH-INAH). He has been specializing in the Archaeology of Identity, Landscape Archaeology and Archaeoastronomy. In October 2014 he organized the annual meeting of the Sociedad Interamericana para la Astronomía en la Cultura (SIAC), now he his preparing the Round Table event on archaeoastronomy in El Tajín, Veracruz.

  • Jesús Galindo Trejo, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

    Jesús Galindo is Professor-Researcher at the Institute of Esthetic Investigations of the National and Autonomous University of Mexico. As a professional astronomer he spent half of his life doing solar astrophysics, but now he makes research in archaeoastronomy. His recent publications include papers on the numerological structure of the calendar dates derived from the study of astronomical horizons at various Mesoamerican sites.


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Research Articles

How to Cite

Iwaniszewski, S., & Galindo Trejo, J. (2016). The Starry Deer Caiman and Structure 44 at Yaxchilan, Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, 2(1), 5-24.