Supplementary Data for A New Look at Old Temples: Augusta Raurica and its Skyscape in the First and Second Centuries AD
Skyscape, ArchaeologyDownloads
Brady, B., 2015. “Star Phases: The Naked-Eye Astronomy of the Old Kingdom Pyramid Texts”. In Skyscapes: The Role and Importance of the Sky in Archaeology, edited by F. Silva and N. Campion, 76–86. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Gautschy, R., 2014. “Astronomische Grundlagen der Archäoastronomie: Was jeder wissen sollte, der sich für Archäoastronomie interessiert”. Lecture series at the University of Basel.
Robinson, M., 2009. “Ardua et Astra: On the Calculation of the Dates of the Rising and Setting of Stars”. Classical Philology 104 (3): 354–375.