Archaeoastronomical Study on the Iberian-Roman Sanctuary of Torreparedones (Baena, Spain)
archaeoastronomy, baetylus, horizon markers, Iberian Peninsula, Roman sanctuaryAbstract
The physical organisation of sanctuaries at Iberian-Roman archaeological sites have societal-spiritual aspects that are not always fully understood, but which become clearer when astronomical factors are taken into consideration. The current research studies Temple B (first century AD) in the Iberian-Roman sanctuary of Torreparedones (Baena, Spain). This temple is surrounded by the Jabalcuz and Ahíllo mountain peaks which, respectively, closely mark sunrise at the equinoxes and the winter solstice. Although uncommon in Iberian sanctuaries, the cella atTemple B is oriented to the cardinal points and the deity, Dea Caelestis, represented by a columnshaped baetylus, is also aligned with the central pillar of the cella in a north-south direction. Since the cella was partially buried, cultic practices would have developed in the dark, although a skylight in the roof would have projected a beam of light onto the baetylus at each solar noon. A reconstruction created for this study has confirmed that, in the past, this band of light would have moved from the top to the bottom of the baetylus, which thus acted as a solar calendar throughout the year. The design seems deliberate, as the positions of ornamental cordons in the baetylus match this timeline at relevant dates.
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