Jan Harding, 'Cult, Religion and Pilgrimage: Archaeological Investigations at the Neolithic and Bronze Age Monument Complex of Thornborough, North Yorkshire', with contributions by Lindsay Allason-Jones, Arnold Aspinall, Alan Biggins et al.


  • Liz Henty University of Wales Trinity Saint David




cult, religion, pilgrimage


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Author Biography

  • Liz Henty, University of Wales Trinity Saint David

    Liz Henty left her accountancy career to take the Cultural Astronomy and Astrology MA at University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, where she achieved a distinction for her dissertation entitled ‘An Examination of Possible Solar, Lunar and Stellar Alignments at the Recumbent Stone Circles of North-East Scotland’. After taking some short archaeology courses at Aberdeen University, she is now a PhD Student at University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, researching the divide between the disciplines of archaeology and archaeoastronomy. She has presented papers at SEAC and the Theoretical Archaeology Group conferences and is a contributor to the forthcoming volume Skyscapes in Archaeology edited by F Silva and N Campion.


Bradley, R., 2005. The Moon and the Bonfire: An Investigation of Three Stone Circles in Aberdeenshire. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.

Harding, J., B. Johnston and G. Goodrick, 2006. “Neolithic Cosmology and the Monument Complex of Thornborough, North Yorkshire”. Archaeoastronomy 20: 28–51.

Jones, L., 2000. The Hermeneutics of Sacred Architecture: Experience, Interpretation, Comparison. Vol. 1: Monumental Occasions: Reflections on the Eventfulness of Religious Architecture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Loveday, R., 1998. “Double Entrance Henges – Routes to the Past?”. In Essays in Honour of Aubrey Burl: Prehistoric Ritual and Religion, edited by A. Gibson and D. Simpson, 14–31. Stroud, UK: Sutton Publishing.






Book Reviews

How to Cite

Henty, L. (2015). Jan Harding, ’Cult, Religion and Pilgrimage: Archaeological Investigations at the Neolithic and Bronze Age Monument Complex of Thornborough, North Yorkshire’, with contributions by Lindsay Allason-Jones, Arnold Aspinall, Alan Biggins et al. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, 1(1), 150-154. https://doi.org/10.1558/jsa.v1i1.26962