“The Materiality of the Sky”

The 22nd Conference of the European Society of Astronomy in Culture, Valetta (Malta), 22nd–26th September, 2014


  • Barbara Rappenglück Adult Education Centre and Observatory Gilching




materiality of the sky, European Society of Astronomy


In the field of archaeoastronomy and cultural astronomy the annual conferences of SEAC, the European Society of Astronomy in Culture (Société Européenne pour la role de l’Astronomie dans la Culture, www.archeoastronomy.org/), have been established as a central meeting event for experts since 1993.


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Author Biography

  • Barbara Rappenglück, Adult Education Centre and Observatory Gilching

    Michael Rappenglück is currently president of SEAC and a member of ISAAC. His research interests include the history of science and particularly the history of astronomy. As executive director and headmaster of the Adult Education Center, Gilching he teaches philosophy, astronomy and history of sciences as well as religious studies and symbolic communication, with a special interest in interdisciplinary issues. He was involved in theplanning and construction of the public observatory at Gilching of which he is head. He is also President of the Society of Archaeoastronomy in Germany and Member of the Working Group on Astronomy and World Heritage (IAU, UNESCO).






How to Cite

Rappenglück, B. (2015). “The Materiality of the Sky”: The 22nd Conference of the European Society of Astronomy in Culture, Valetta (Malta), 22nd–26th September, 2014. Journal of Skyscape Archaeology, 1(1), 138-141. https://doi.org/10.1558/jsa.v1i1.26960