How are multilingual communities of practice being considered in language assessment? A language ecology approach


  • Angel Arias Carleton University
  • Jamie L. Schissel University of North Carolina at Greensboro



Validation, Assessment



Author Biographies

  • Angel Arias, Carleton University

    Angel Arias is Assistant Professor of Applied Linguistics in the School of Linguistics and Language Studies at Carleton University, Canada. His research focuses on the application of psychometric models and mixed methods approaches in language testing and assessment to evaluate validity evidence of test score meaning and justification of test use in high-stakes and classroom contexts.

  • Jamie L. Schissel, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

    Jamie L. Schissel is Associate Professor, TESOL, at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Her research focuses on educational assessments and policies affecting linguistically and culturally diverse communities. Through historical analyses and participatory action research collaborations, these projects emphasise relationship building to inform actions that challenge multiple modes of oppression.


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How to Cite

Arias, A. ., & Schissel, J. L. . (2021). How are multilingual communities of practice being considered in language assessment? A language ecology approach. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, 2(2), 141–153.