Examining validity issues in classifying and exiting English learners through dynamic views of language proficiency


  • Sultan Turkan Queen’s University Belfast




English learners, validity, English learner classification


With the growing English learner population, this study identifies issues of fairness around cut score setting practices that impact English learner (EL) classifications and reclassifications in the US context. High-stakes decisions regarding the education of ELs have relied mostly on English language proficiency (ELP) assessments and the ELP-related classifications. The ELP-related classifications are central to ELs’ life cycles in US schooling. These classifications impact decisions as to whom to designate as EL, whom to administer content assessments to, and who benefits from instructional support programmes. This study examines the practices in the US pre-and post- ‘Every Child Succeeds Act’ (ESSA) of 2015 and takes a dynamic multilingualism perspective to discuss what validity evidence is missing in the current classification practices and what could be done to better align the classification practices with the dynamic languaging practices of multilingual learners.

Author Biography

  • Sultan Turkan, Queen’s University Belfast

    Sultan Turkan is Assistant Professor (Lecturer) in Bilingual Education at Queen’s University, Belfast, Northern Ireland. Turkan studied applied linguistics in Istanbul and in Texas, and later did her doctoral work at the University of Arizona in teaching and teacher education, with a focus on immigrant children and bilinguals. She taught Turkish as a Foreign Language in Texas and English as a Second/Foreign Language (ESL/EFL) in Istanbul, Tucson-Arizona and Princeton-New Jersey. Turkan worked many years as a research scientist at the Educational Testing Service while educating teachers of emerging bilinguals at various universities in the northeast of the United States. There, she found it central to her research agenda to examine sources of bias that adversely impact the performance of language-minoritised bilingual children on content and standardised assessments. Her research is guided by the view of language as a resource for effectively teaching bilingual learners, and focuses on promoting bi/multilinguals’ participation and engagement in the formal and informal processes of schooling and other sociocultural landscapes through drawing on bi/multilinguals’ linguistic and cultural capital. Her research and teaching are also informed and inspired by being a multilingual speaker and writer of English, Turkish and Kurdish – her native language in memoir.


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How to Cite

Turkan, S. . (2021). Examining validity issues in classifying and exiting English learners through dynamic views of language proficiency. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, 2(2), 254–286. https://doi.org/10.1558/jmtp.19826