Preparing to teach emergent bilinguals

Examining practices and shifting language ideologies of non-ESL preservice educators


  • Jamie L. Schissel University of North Carolina at Greensboro
  • Martha Reyes Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools



Bilingual education, English as a second language education, language ideologies, preservice teacher education


Our ethnographic action research case study addresses the unique concerns that arise when expanding bilingual education methods within teacher education for non-ESL preservice teachers concerning ideological and practice-based shifts in pedagogy. The conceptual framework connects language ideologies and pedagogical practices. The qualitative analyses of three key assignments document preservice teachers’ ideological leanings as tending toward heteroglossia, tending toward monoglossia, or ideologies in flux. Our findings illustrate the attempts by preservice teachers to engage in practices along continua of heteroglossic and monoglossic language ideologies and the importance of defining concrete practices that value bilingual community knowledge.

Author Biographies

  • Jamie L. Schissel, University of North Carolina at Greensboro

    Jamie L. Schissel is Associate Professor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA. Jamie’s research centres on equity in relation to educational policies and assessments in educational linguistics. She engages in participatory action research projects through reciprocal partnerships in Mexico, Peru and the United States that examine ideological belief systems and historical influences. Her book the Social Consequences of Testing for Language-Minoritized Bilinguals in the United States (Multilingual Matters) was published in 2019. She has served as a co-editor of the special issue ‘The Construct of Multilingualism in Language Testing’ for Language Assessment Quarterly (December 2019) and the volume Envisioning TESOL through a Translanguaging Lens (Springer, 2020).

  • Martha Reyes, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools

    Martha Reyes is First Grade Teacher in Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in North Carolina, USA and holds a Bachelors of Elementary Education with a concentration in TESOL from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro (UNCG). In addition to teaching, Martha translates for Spanish-speaking families establishes and sustains positive relationships among students, parents and staff. She is the recipient of two undergraduate research scholarships and was the featured undergraduate researcher in the Spring 2018 UNCG research magazine. She has presented on research projects on translanguaging in teaching and assessment conducted in the United States and Mexico at the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Southern Conference Undergraduate Research Forum and Carolyn & Norwood Thomas Undergraduate Research and Creativity Expo.


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How to Cite

Schissel, J. L., & Reyes, M. (2020). Preparing to teach emergent bilinguals: Examining practices and shifting language ideologies of non-ESL preservice educators. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, 1(2), 290-312.