Towards multilingualism


  • John Edwards St Francis Xavier University and Dalhousie University



monolingualism, bilingualism, multilingualism, cognitive capacities, bilingual education, standard and nonstandard dialects


There has been a development in both scholarly and popular attention to language capabilities and their alleged cognitive consequences. Emphasis, both theoretical and applied, was initially given to monolingual fluencies. Indeed, the sense that monolingualism is still somehow the default norm remains in some ‘large-language’ contexts. A second stage, as it were, arose when serious consideration began to be given to bilingualism—a phase surely long overdue, given the real-life circumstances that have always prevailed around the world. One of the most interesting aspects of this phase has been the apparent empirical demonstration that bilingualism correlates with cognitive advantage. Although this seems a welcome corrective to earlier and quite opposite views, the evidence turns out to be far from unequivocal. It now appears likely that, while expanded linguistic repertoires are of course beneficial, there are no simple correspondences between languages known and cognitive capacities. Research on bilingualism and multilingualism, at both individual and social levels, is now routine.

Author Biography

  • John Edwards, St Francis Xavier University and Dalhousie University

    John Edwards was born in England, educated there and in Canada, and received his PhD
    from McGill University. He is a Senior Research Professor at St Francis Xavier University
    (Antigonish) and an Adjunct Professor, Graduate Studies, at Dalhousie University (Halifax). His main research interest is with the establishment, maintenance, and continuity of group identity, with particular reference to language in both its communicative and symbolic aspects. His recent books include Challenges in the Social Life of Language (Palgrave-Macmillan, 2011), Multilingualism: Understanding Linguistic Diversity (Continuum/Bloomsbury, 2012) and Sociolinguistics: A Very Short Introduction (Oxford, 2013). Edwards is a fellow of the British Psychological Society, the Canadian Psychological Association, and the Royal Society of Canada.


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How to Cite

Edwards, J. (2020). Towards multilingualism. Journal of Multilingual Theories and Practices, 1(1), 23-43.