Entangled Concepts and Participatory Practices across Archaeology, Heritage and Art


  • Leah Acheson Roberts University College London
  • Colin Sterling University College London




conversazione, interdisciplinarity, contemporary art


This forum response questions the 'creative turn' in archaeology with specific reference to the work of the Archaeology/Heritage/Art Research Network - a loose constellation of academics, artists, events and activities which aims to interrogate the cross-fertilisation of these fields. Focusing on the historical example of the 'conversazione' as a model for participatory debate and practice across different disciplines, the paper argues for more grounded interactions between artists and archaeologists in the light of their increasing conceptual and methodological entanglement.

Author Biographies

  • Leah Acheson Roberts, University College London

    Leah Acheson Roberts is a PhD student at UCL Institute of Archaeology.

  • Colin Sterling, University College London

    Colin Sterling is a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London.


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Creative Archaeologies Forum

How to Cite

Acheson Roberts, L., & Sterling, C. (2018). Entangled Concepts and Participatory Practices across Archaeology, Heritage and Art. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 4(2), 130-138. https://doi.org/10.1558/jca.32354