Editorial Team


Esther is Lecturer in Contemporary Archaeology and Heritage and UKRI Future Leaders Fellow at Birkbeck, University of London. She previously held postdoctoral positions at UiT The Arctic University of Norway and the UCL Institute of Archaeology. Esther's research spans the fields of Contemporary Archaeology and Critical Heritage Studies and has ranged across a number of different topics—including war, natural and cultural heritage, nuclear and petroleum industries, dictatorships and biobanking—but traces a common set of interests in the relationships between conflicts, resources, recycling and rights across the human/non-human divide in the Anthropocene era.


Alfredo González-Ruibal is Staff Scientist with the Institute of Heritage Sciences (Incipit) of the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). His research focuses on the archaeology of the recent past, with a special interest in conflict, capitalism, colonialism and dictatorship. He has conducted fieldwork related to these topics in Spain, Ethiopia and Equatorial Guinea. He is the editor of Reclaiming Archaeology: Beyond the Tropes of Modernity (London: Routledge, 2013).


Rodney Harrison is Professor of Heritage Studies at the Institute of Archaeology, University College London and the founding editor of the Journal of Contemporary Archaeology. He is the (co-)author or (co-)editor of more than a dozen books and edited volumes and over 60 refereed journal articles and book chapters on a range of topics, with particular foci on the material pasts, presents and futures of archaeology, anthropology, heritage and museums. His books include After Modernity: Archaeological Approaches to the Contemporary Past (with co-authors, OUP, 2010), Heritage: Critical Approaches (Routledge, 2013), Collecting, Ordering, Governing: Anthropology, Museums and Liberal Government (with co-authors, Duke, 2017) and The Oxford Handbook of the Archaeology of the Contemporary World (with co-editors, OUP, 2013). He has previously held research and teaching positions at The Open University, The Australian National University, The University of Western Australia and in the Research Unit, Cultural Heritage Division, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service in Sydney. He is currently Principal Investigator of the collaborative, interdisciplinary Heritage Futures research programme. From 2017 he will be AHRC Priority Area Leadership Fellow for Heritage.

Managing Editor

  • Erin Riggs, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States

Review Editor

Editorial Assistant

Editorial Board