Growing Concerns

Plants and Their Roots in the Past


  • Stein Farstadvoll The University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway



contemporaneity, entropy, garden, heritage, memory, plants, ruins


Plant remains have long been a source of information about the distant past in archaeology, but are undertheorized or even overlooked in the field of contemporary archaeology. This article uses the example of a derelict nineteenth-century landscape garden in a town on the northwestern coast of Norway to show how novel insights about plants can be developed which acknowledge both their past and living present, without reducing them to colonizer, universal taxonomies or proxies for a human past.

Author Biography

  • Stein Farstadvoll, The University of Tromsø - Arctic University of Norway

    Stein Farstadvoll is an archaeologist and currently a PhD student at the Department of Archaeology, History, Religious Studies and Theology at the Arctic University of Norway. His PhD is connected to the research project "Object Matters: Archaeology and Heritage in the 21st Century", and his research interests include archaeology of the contemporary past, archaeological reconstructions and object oriented theory. Address for correspondence: UiT Norges arktiske universitet, Postboks 6050 Langnes, 9037 Tromsø, Norway.


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How to Cite

Farstadvoll, S. (2019). Growing Concerns: Plants and Their Roots in the Past. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 5(2), 174-193.