Living in My Car

Interactions Between Young Adults and Cars in the Balearic Islands (Spain)


  • Daniel J. Albero Santacreu University of the Balearic Islands



Americanization, auto-ethnoarchaeology, auto-ethnography, automobile, young adults


Young adults have traditionally used cars as a way to achieve a sense of freedom and independence. However, the interaction between young adults and cars is about more than just mobility, involving the creation of effective social spaces even in static situations. This paper focuses on such relationships from an auto-ethnographic and auto-ethnoarchaeological perspective by studying both the materiality present in young adults' cars and the practices typical of this group in this location. I discuss a case study centred on the university community in the Balearic Islands (Spain), demonstrating that young adults' use of cars is dynamic, and that they interpret them as habitable spaces by transferring certain domestic activities to their realm. In turn, cars are essential allies in the construction of young adults' social spaces and the configuration of auto-reflexive and group identities.

Author Biography

  • Daniel J. Albero Santacreu, University of the Balearic Islands

    Daniel J. Albero Santacreu (PhD) is a lecturer in the Departament de Ciències Històriques i Teoria de les Arts at Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain). He is also a member of the research group ArqueoUIB and, among other research projects, has developed ethnoarchaeological works and material culture studies centred on contemporary communities from Mallorca (Spain) and northern Ghana.


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How to Cite

Albero Santacreu, D. J. (2019). Living in My Car: Interactions Between Young Adults and Cars in the Balearic Islands (Spain). Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 5(2), 135-153.