Archaeology in the Shadow of Schindler’s List

Discovering the Materiality of Plaszow Camp


  • Kamil Karski Museum KL Plaszow
  • Dawid Kobiałka Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences



archaeology, materiality landscape, Nazi Germany, KL Plaszow


This paper presents some of the preliminary results of non-invasive and invasive archaeological research on the terrain of a former German Nazi labour and concentration camp in P?aszów, a suburb of Kraków. The starting point is a reference to Schindler’s List – a film that is partially about the camp (KL Plaszow in German) and which created a certain social picture of it. This paper discusses the history of archaeological research relating to Holocaust landscapes in Poland, and sketches the historical context related to the opening, functioning, closing and later reusing of the campscape. The last section provides a glimpse into the archaeological field research and its results. The main thesis of this paper is that the history of World War II, including the Holocaust, is transforming in front of our eyes into archaeology. The paper shows how archaeology can play an active and crucial role in discovering, documenting and interpreting material remains related to the Holocaust and its manifold consequences.

Author Biographies

  • Kamil Karski, Museum KL Plaszow

    Kamil Karski is a field archaeologist whose research interests includes an archaeology of the recent past and memory studies. Address for correspondence: ul. Kobierzynska 68/7 30-363 Krakow, Poland.

  • Dawid Kobiałka, Institute of Archaeology and Ethnology, Polish Academy of Sciences

    Dawid Kobiałka defended his doctoral thesis in archaeology at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Poland. His research interests include public archaeology, heritage studies and archaeologies of the recent past. Address for correspondence: ul. Wrzosowa 30/2, 63-200 Jarocin, Poland.


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How to Cite

Karski, K., & Kobiałka, D. (2021). Archaeology in the Shadow of Schindler’s List: Discovering the Materiality of Plaszow Camp. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 8(1), 89–111.