(Uns)table assemblage


  • Nyree Finlay Archaeology, School of Humanities, University of Glasgow




Arran, avocational, flint, fly, housework, lithic analysis


An abandoned table in a forgotten avocational workroom exposes the temporalities of archaeological practice and conventional lithic artefact analysis, and reveals creative encounters around the co-creation of self and stone.

Author Biography

  • Nyree Finlay, Archaeology, School of Humanities, University of Glasgow

    Nyree Finlay is a Senior Lecturer in Archaeology. She teaches material culture with research interests in collections, (meso)lithics, the life course and personhood.


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Visual Archaeologies

How to Cite

Finlay, N. (2020). (Uns)table assemblage. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 7(1), 112–125. https://doi.org/10.1558/jca.37965