Environmental Paradoxes

Perceptions of the Environment in the Argentinian Southern Chaco


  • Thiago Costa Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina / IDACOR – Museo de Antropología




Anthropocene, archaeology, conservation, Chaco, environment, Córdoba



Author Biography

  • Thiago Costa, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Argentina / IDACOR – Museo de Antropología

    Thiago Silva Ferreira da Costa has a PhD in Anthropological Sciences from the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC), Argentina. He also has a background in Environmental Management, and in 2011 he obtained a scholarship from the Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONCyT) for the project “Environmental Bases for the Territorial Planning of Rural Spaces in the Province of Córdoba”. He is an Assistant Professor at UNC’s Department of Anthropology (Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities) and a researcher at IDACOR – Museo de Antropología. His interests and recent work focus on the archaeological heritage management and human-animal relationships. A


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How to Cite

Costa, T. . (2022). Environmental Paradoxes: Perceptions of the Environment in the Argentinian Southern Chaco. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 8(2), 325–341. https://doi.org/10.1558/jca.18770