The New Age of the Anthropocene


  • Ewa Domanska Adam Mickiewicz University



anthropocene, future, integrated knowledge, new age, paradigm shift

Author Biography

  • Ewa Domanska, Adam Mickiewicz University

    Ewa Domanska is an associate professor of theory and history of historiography at the Department of History, Adam Mickiewicz University at Poznan, Poland and, since 2002 she is also a visiting associate professor at the Department of Anthropology, Stanford University, (Spring term, annually). She is working on contemporary Anglo-American theory and history of historiography, comparative theory of the human and social sciences, ecological humanities and posthumanities.


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Archaeology of the Anthropocene

How to Cite

Domanska, E. (2014). The New Age of the Anthropocene. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 1(1), 96-101.