Journeys in the City

Homeless Archaeologists or Archaeologies of Homelessness


  • Rachael Kiddey Independent Social Research Foundation
  • Andrew Daffnis
  • Jane Hallam Homeless Heritage
  • Mats Brate Freelance painter and illustrator



homelessness, heritage, homeless landscapes

Author Biographies

  • Rachael Kiddey, Independent Social Research Foundation

    Rachael Kiddey received her PhD from the University of York in 2015. She now works part-time as editorial assistant for the Independent Social Research Foundation. Rachael is currently finishing a monograph based on her archaeological research into contemporary homelessness which will be published by Oxford University Press. She lives in Devon with her husband and young son.

  • Andrew Daffnis

    Andrew Dafnis is now housed in a flat in Bristol, UK. He has fully recovered from heroin addiction but has since been diagnosed with a rare form of extreme headaches caused by tri-geminal neuralgia. He counters the pain by spending as much time as possible walking his dog, Tinker, and growing vegetables and flowers in his garden.

  • Jane Hallam, Homeless Heritage

    Jane Hallam is a valued member of the Homeless Heritage team, and remains homeless in Bristol with her dog, Patch.

  • Mats Brate, Freelance painter and illustrator

    Mats Brate holds an MFA in Environmental Art from Konstfack University College of Arts, Crafts, and Design, Stockholm. He works as a freelance painter and illustrator and part-time as assistant headmaster at Olands Fokhogskola. He lives with his family in Farjestaden on the island of Oland, Sweden.







How to Cite

Kiddey, R., Daffnis, A., Hallam, J., & Brate, M. (2016). Journeys in the City: Homeless Archaeologists or Archaeologies of Homelessness. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 2(2), 235-244.