Notes for an ecological archaeology of imaginary media hacking


  • Alberto Micali University of Lincoln



hacking, hacktivism, media archaeology, media ecologies, Félix Guattari, imaginary media


The Arab Spring included instances of media hacking directed towards providing technological support for local struggles. The forms that this media hacking took can be excavated by archaeological and ecological readings of mediation. In particular, notions of imaginary media and Guattarian machinism can be used to make connections to a non-linear past beyond computing, activating forces of desire and their particular micropolitics through ontogenetic lineages,

Author Biography

  • Alberto Micali, University of Lincoln

    Alberto Micali is a PhD candidate in Media and Cultural Studies at the Department of Film and Media of the University of Lincoln (UK). His research focuses on hacker culture, political activism and media ecological forms of resistance.


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How to Cite

Micali, A. (2015). Notes for an ecological archaeology of imaginary media hacking. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 2(1), S16-S23.