Sites of Media Archaeology

Producing the Contemporary as a Shared Topic


  • Jussi Parikka University of Southampton, Winchester School of Art



art practice, Michel Foucault, Wolfgang Ernst, Friedrich Kittler, media archaeology, media archaeology lab


This short text addresses media archaeology as a material methodology of investigation of the cultural layers of technology. This materiality of course relates it to the older discipline of archaeology, even if in many cases the archaeology in media archaeology is more conceptual. Having said that, the article proceeds to briefly introduce the emerging practices of media archaeology labs through two examples in Germany and the US as ways to offer institutional spaces for a hands-on extension of the theoretical, historical and conceptual methodologies. It is possible that through such spaces as well as other sorts of disciplinary bordercrossings the multiple archaeologies find joint projects.

Author Biography

  • Jussi Parikka, University of Southampton, Winchester School of Art

    Jussi Parikka is Professor in Technological Culture and Aesthetics at the Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton; Adjunct Professor in Digital Culture Theory at University of Turku, Finland; and Honorary Visiting Research Fellow at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge.


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How to Cite

Parikka, J. (2015). Sites of Media Archaeology: Producing the Contemporary as a Shared Topic. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 2(1), 8-14.