Material Life Histories of the Missile Crisis (1962)

Cuban Examples of a Soviet Nuclear Missile Hangar and US Marston Mats


  • Anders Gustafsson University of Gothenburg Department of Historical Studies
  • Javier Iglesias Camargo University of Pinar del Rio, “Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca”, Cuba
  • Håkan Karlsson University of Gothenburg Department of Historical Studies
  • Gloria M. Miranda González Museo de los Palacios, Cuba



contemporary archaeology, Cuba, life histories, Marston mats, Missile Crisis, reuse, Soviet nuclear missile hangar


This article presents new findings from a contemporary archaeology project that has been exploring the Missile Crisis (1962) and its material and immaterial remains in Cuba since 2005. The project is a cooperation between Swedish archaeologists and Cuban archaeologists, anthropologists and historians, and its primary aim is to complement the dominant narrative of the crisis with material and immaterial remains and memories in a way that approaches and explains the event “from below”. The current text focuses on the life histories of a Soviet nuclear missile hangar located at El Cacho, one of the former Soviet nuclear missile sites located in Los Palacios, and of the US Marston mats that can be found at a number of locations in farmsteads and villages surrounding the former missile sites in the Los Palacios and San Cristóbal areas. The life histories of these objects in western Cuba present the reader with new insights concerning the crisis that until now have been more or less concealed and unknown, contributing new complementary dimensions to the understanding of the Missile Crisis while also challenging the stereotypes constructing the dominant narrative.

Author Biographies

  • Anders Gustafsson, University of Gothenburg Department of Historical Studies

    Anders Gustafsson is Associate Professor at the Department of Historical Studies at the University of Gothenburg.

  • Javier Iglesias Camargo, University of Pinar del Rio, “Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca”, Cuba

    Javier Iglesias Camargo is a student at at the University of Pinar del Rio, “Hermanos Saiz Montes de Oca”, Cuba.

  • Håkan Karlsson, University of Gothenburg Department of Historical Studies

    Håkan Karlsson is Full Professor at the Department of Historical Studies, University of Gothenburg.

  • Gloria M. Miranda González, Museo de los Palacios, Cuba

    Gloria M. Miranda González is Curator at the Museo de Los Palacios, Cuba.


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How to Cite

Gustafsson, A., Iglesias Camargo, J., Karlsson, H., & Miranda González, G. M. (2017). Material Life Histories of the Missile Crisis (1962): Cuban Examples of a Soviet Nuclear Missile Hangar and US Marston Mats. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 4(1), 39-58.