Postmodern Feminism and the Daoist Tradition of Inner Alchemy


  • Jesse Meek University of New England



postmodern feminism, embodiment, philosophical daoism


The Daoist, in transcending the socially constructed identity, finds language, discourse and the body vital in their quest to achieve zhenren (the authentic person). They are pursuing ‘full contextualization for the always unique person within an ever changing world’ (Hall and Ames 1998a: 85). This relationship between language, discourse and the body, particularly in the neidan tradition, has strong correlations in postmodern feminism. The juxtaposition of postmodern feminism and Daoism gives rise to a valuable new perspective from which one can reflect upon both traditions. Such a perspective offers a new point of entry into the ongoing discussion of these traditions.


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How to Cite

Meek, J. (2005). Postmodern Feminism and the Daoist Tradition of Inner Alchemy. Journal for the Academic Study of Religion, 18(1), 69-92.