Interactionally negotiating power in ‘War for Talent’ job interviews


  • Melina De Dijn KU Leuven
  • Dorien Van De Mieroop KU Leuven



job interview, identity, power, reversed gatekeeping, War for Talent


Job interviews (JIs) are often described in the literature as asymmetrical gatekeeping encounters. This power imbalance is expected to be visible, for instance, in how the differential distribution of discursive resources favors the interviewer, whose interactional rights surpass those of the candidate. However, this view on job interviews has been criticized for not sufficiently taking into account the agency of the participants, and in this article, we develop this line of research further by also integrating context as a crucial factor for a correct understanding of power. There have been important changes in the recruitment context recently – which, especially in some sectors, has moved to a ‘War for Talent’ (WarFT) – and we argue that this may unsettle the job interview’s ‘traditional’ power dynamic and even result, sometimes, in ‘reversed gatekeeping’. We scrutinize the traces of this trend by adopting a micro-oriented, multimodal discourse analytical method to study the interactional processes typically linked to power in twelve WarFT job interviews. We argue that in this WarFT context interactional power may indeed shift as a result of the agentive choices of the JI participants and may at times even result in a reversal of this interactional power dynamic. This shows the importance of the interface between agency and context in understanding how power is negotiated in interaction.

Author Biographies

  • Melina De Dijn, KU Leuven

    Melina De Dijn is currently working on a PhD on job interviews and has recently published two peer-reviewed journal articles on this topic together with her supervisor, Dorien Van De Mieroop, respectively in Language and Intercultural Communication (2020) and Identity, Language and Diversity (2021).

  • Dorien Van De Mieroop, KU Leuven

    Dorien Van De Mieroop is a Professor of Linguistics at KU Leuven. Her main research interests lie in the discursive analysis of institutional interactions and of narratives, on which she has published more than 50 articles in international peer-reviewed journals. She has co-authored or edited several books and is co-editor of the journal Narrative Inquiry (Benjamins).


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How to Cite

De Dijn, M., & Van De Mieroop, D. (2024). Interactionally negotiating power in ‘War for Talent’ job interviews. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 18(1), 1-33.