Defining the political in foreign language teaching – A response to the rejoinders


  • Claire Kramsch University of California, Berkeley



forum discussion, response to rejoinders

Author Biography

  • Claire Kramsch, University of California, Berkeley

    Claire Kramsch is Emerita Professor of German and Education at UC Berkeley. She is widely published in applied linguistics and foreign language education. Recent books include The Multilingual Subject (Oxford University Press, 2009), The Multilingual Instructor (with Lihua Zhang; Oxford University Press, 2018) and Language as Symbolic Power (Cambridge University Press, 2021). She is the editor of the journal L2 Learning and co-editor of the book series Language and Intercultural Communication (Routledge) and Key Topics in Applied Linguistics (Cambridge University Press). 


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Byram, Michael, Melina Porto and Manuela Wagner (2021) Ethical issues in teaching for intercultural citizenship in world/foreign language education. TESOL Quarterly 55 (1): 308–321.

Doyé, Peter (1993) Neuere Konzepte der Fremdsprachenerziehung und ihre Bedeutung fur die Schulbuchkritik. In Michael Byram (ed.) Germany: Its Representation in Textbooks for Teaching German in Great Britain, 19–30. Frankfurt am Main: Diesterweg.

Foucault, M. (2002) [1966] The Order of Things Trans. Alan Sheridan. London: Routledge.

Kramsch, Claire (2011) The symbolic dimensions of the intercultural. Language Teaching 44 (3): 354–367.

Kramsch, Claire (2021) Language as Symbolic Power. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Kramsch, Claire and Lihua Zhang (2018) The Multilingual Instructor. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Pennycook, Alastair (2019) From translanguaging to translingual activism. In Donaldo Macedo (ed.) Decolonizing Foreign Language Education, 169–185. London: Routledge.





Forum Discussion

How to Cite

Kramsch, C. (2022). Defining the political in foreign language teaching – A response to the rejoinders. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 16(3), 403-412.