The political and the ethical in language teaching

A rejoinder to ‘Between professionalism and political engagement in foreign language teaching practice’


  • Michael Byram University of Durham




Author Biography

  • Michael Byram, University of Durham

    Michael Byram studied languages at King’s College Cambridge (UK), wrote a PhD in Danish literature and then taught French and German in secondary and adult education. At Durham University from 1980, he trained language teachers and researched linguistic minorities and foreign language education. In the 2000s he was Adviser to the Language Policy Division of the Council of Europe (CoE), and was recently involved in the CoE’s work on a Reference Framework of Competences for Democratic Culture.


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Byram, Michael (2018) An essay on internationalism in foreign language education. Intercultural Communication Education 1 (2): 64–82.

Byram, Michael, Irina Golubeva, Hui Han and Manuela Wagner (2017) From Principles to Practice in Education for Intercultural Citizenship. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Byram, Michael, Melina Porto and Manuela Wagner (2021) Ethical issues in teaching for intercultural citizenship in world/foreign language education. TESOL Quarterly 55 (1): 308–321.

Crutchfield, John and Manfred Schewe (eds) (2017) Going Performative in Intercultural Education: International Contexts, Theoretical Perspectives and Models of Practice. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.

Doyé, Peter (1993) Neuere Konzepte der Fremdsprachenerziehung und ihre Bedeutung für die Schulbuchkritik. In Michael Byram (ed.) Germany: Its Representation in Textbooks for Teaching German in Great Britain, 19-30. Frankfurt am Main: Diesterweg.

Gagel, Walter (1983) Einführung in die Didaktik des politischen Unterrichts. Opladen, Germany: Leske and Budrich.

Himmelmann, Gerhard (2004) Demokratie-Lernen: Was? Warum? Wozu? Berlin: BLK.

Kramsch, Claire (1993) Context and Culture in Language Teaching. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Pennycook, Alistair (2019) From translanguaging to translingual activism. In Donaldo Macedo (ed.) Decolonizing Foreign Language Education: The Misteaching of English and Other Colonial Languages, 169–185. New York: Routledge.

Porto, Melina (2018) Intercultural citizenship in foreign language education: An opportunity to broaden CLIL’s theoretical outlook and pedagogy. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 24 (7): 927–947.

Wagner, Manuela, Fabiana Cardetti and Michael Byram (2019) Teaching Intercultural Citizenship across the Curriculum: The Role of Language Education. Alexandria, VA: ACTFL.

Wagner, Manuela, Dorie Conlon Perugini and Michael Byram (eds) (2018) Teaching Intercultural Competence across the Age Range: from Theory to Practice. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.





Forum Discussion

How to Cite

Byram, M. (2022). The political and the ethical in language teaching: A rejoinder to ‘Between professionalism and political engagement in foreign language teaching practice’. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 16(3), 394-402.