‘We’re not seen as strangers; we’re seen as part of the people’

Taking a stance in the field of outbreak response


  • Tom Rausch Queen Mary University of London




Appraisal Theory, Risk Communication, Outbreak Response, Ebola pandemic, evaluative stance


While many discourse analysts have explored the frame semantics of risk and health communication during outbreak response from media or doctor–patient perspectives, the discourse patterns of members of health organisations remain largely unexplored. This article is specifically concerned with risk construction processes during pandemics through the added value of understanding the communication patterns of African health experts, who have been found to be insufficiently included in outbreak response. I examine how members of an African health consortium express evaluative stance on outbreak response mechanisms, with a particular focus on the West African Ebola epidemic (2013–2016), and on their own work. I explore how they draw on stance to construct an organisational identity in the international field of outbreak management. Conducted as part of a 12-month ethnographic study, I focus on interviews with organisational members and draw on Appraisal theory to conduct a systematic analysis of the speakers’ expressions of stance. The article’s contributions are two-fold: it expands the study of the communicative processes in the field of emerging pathogens to the context of African health consortiums, and it establishes how an underrepresented expert group negotiates access and claims space in the debate on outbreak response.

Author Biography

  • Tom Rausch, Queen Mary University of London

    Tom Rausch is a PhD researcher at Queen Mary University of London. His main research focus is on organisational communication in the field of health and risk communication. His further research interests include intercultural communication, adaptation and accommodation. 


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How to Cite

Rausch, T. (2021). ‘We’re not seen as strangers; we’re seen as part of the people’: Taking a stance in the field of outbreak response. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 15(2), 215–238. https://doi.org/10.1558/jalpp.20371