Positioning oneself in relation to sources and context – Enactments of independence in undergraduate supervision


  • Jenny Magnusson Södertörn University




appraisal, independence, interaction, supervision, teacher education, undergraduate degree projects


Independence is becoming an increasingly important factor in Swedish higher education, especially in relation to undergraduate degree projects. Despite this, there is no shared understanding of what independence is or whether it is to be found in the finished text or in the supervision interaction. In this article I look at one specific definition of independence: the ability to position oneself and one’s work in relation to sources. Three supervision meetings are analysed, selected from a larger body of recorded material from teacher education courses in Sweden. I explore how independence can be enacted in the supervision of undergraduate degree projects, drawing on the analytical framework of appraisal. The theoretical framework is derived from the socio-cultural and dialogical perspective, which proposes that learning and understanding develop in context through interaction and dialogue. Independence, from this perspective, is something that can be explored in enactments in interactions of different kinds. The findings show that the students use different resources in order to relate to sources on different levels, and these levels could be related to independence in different ways.

Author Biography

  • Jenny Magnusson, Södertörn University

    Jenny Magnusson received her PhD in linguistics from the University of Linköping in Sweden and is currently an associate professor at Södertörn University in Stockholm, Sweden. Her research interests include academic writing and other aspects related to higher education in general and teacher education in particular. She is currently conducting research on supervision of undergraduate degree projects. Address for correspondence: School of Culture and Education, Södertörn University, 141 89 Huddinge, Sweden.


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How to Cite

Magnusson, J. (2021). Positioning oneself in relation to sources and context – Enactments of independence in undergraduate supervision. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 14(3), 351–373. https://doi.org/10.1558/jalpp.19879