Educational doctoring

How general practitioners elaborate diagnoses with anatomy explanations


  • Søren Beck Nielsen University of Copenhagen



Anatomy, Conversation analysis, Diagnosis, Doctor-patient communication, Health literacy, Patient participation


The notion of informedness plays a significant role in several modern healthcare models, and many studies argue that informed patients accomplish better health outcomes. Drawing on audio-visual recordings of general practice consultations in Denmark, this paper uses conversation analysis to examine cases where doctors elaborate diagnoses with anatomy explanations; that is, where they provide patients with details about the structure of internal body parts and biological processes in order for patients to fully comprehend their diagnosis and its implications for treatment options. The study focuses on two cases, one involving explaining to a patient the ligaments in the knee and other the lymph nodes in the upper tract region. The analysis shows how the doctors manage to compensate for patients’ lack of visual access to these regions by integrating the explanations with a series of haptic touches and depictive gestures. I conclude by suggesting that anatomy explanations are discussed as measures not only to adhere to modern healthcare ideals that forefront the need to inform patients, but also to accomplish significant local actions such as to assure patients and have them appreciate a wait-and-see treatment plan.

Author Biography

  • Søren Beck Nielsen, University of Copenhagen

    Søren Beck Nielsen, PhD, is Associate Professor in the field of Psychology of Language at University of Copenhagen. His main research area is spoken health communication. Using conversation analysis, he has investigated various types of communication in healthcare encounters, notably in geriatric wards and in general practice. He has recently co-edited a volume that addresses the risk of antimicrobial resistance from multiple social scientific perspectives. Address for correspondence: Department of Nordic Studies and Linguistics, University of Copenhagen, Njalsgade 136, 2300 Copenhagen S., Denmark.


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How to Cite

Nielsen, S. B. (2020). Educational doctoring: How general practitioners elaborate diagnoses with anatomy explanations. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 15(1), 46-66.