Patient-centredness in advice delivered during audiology consultations


  • Louise Collingridge Macquarie University
  • Elizabeth Bassett General Practitioner and Clinical Educator, Sydney



advice, audiology consultation, discourse analysis, hearing aids, patient-centredness, rehabilitation


Patient-centredness in audiological rehabilitation has previously been presented as possible only when attending to psychosocial aspects of hearing loss. Yet, audiologists routinely and by necessity provide technologically orientated advice about hearing aids. Although some advice is resisted, a significant number of patients are assisted and have improved quality of life because of audiological advice. This study investigates moments of advice giving during audiology consultations, in which hearing aids were discussed as rehabilitative options. Two illustrative cases selected from a collection of 20 consultations are presented, in which the audiologists' goals differed from those of the patients, but where after a process of advising (in one case offering explicit advice and in the other implicit advice), rehabilitation including hearing aids was agreed to. Hypothetical questions, voicing and patterns of pronoun use provided evidence of patient-centredness, in the absence of an obvious psychosocial focus. Demonstrating patient-centredness in discussions about hearing aids provides additional perspectives on current public commentary about the sale of hearing aids by audiologists. Additionally, demonstrating patient-centredness during hearing aid discussions suggests that audiologists may be able to transfer their skills to address areas commonly neglected in audiology consultations, including a focus on psychosocial aspects of audiological care.

Author Biographies

  • Louise Collingridge, Macquarie University

    Louise Collingridge is an experienced audiologist. Over her career she has integrated service delivery, management, teaching and research. Louise completed a PhD study on patient-professional interaction in clinical settings in audiology under the expert guidance of Professor Christopher N. Candlin in 2009. She currently offers consultancy services in audiology and qualitative health research in Sydney, Australia. Additionally as Executive Officer for Independent Audiologists Australia Inc, Louise promotes and supports clinical practices owned by Audiologists.

  • Elizabeth Bassett, General Practitioner and Clinical Educator, Sydney

    Elizabeth Bassett is an experienced general practitioner and medical educator. She completed a Masters of Professional Communication undertaking a research project under the expert guidance of Professor Christopher N. Candlin which was completed in 2007. Since then she has taught communication skills to medical students at major university teaching hospital in Sydney, Australia and been involved in curriculum development.


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How to Cite

Collingridge, L., & Bassett, E. (2018). Patient-centredness in advice delivered during audiology consultations. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 13(1-3), 56-77.