Phraseology, argumentation and identity in the Supreme Court of Ireland’s judgments on language policy


  • Davide Mazzi University of Modena and Reggio Emilia



argumentation, corpus, discourse, identity, Ireland, phraseology


The Irish judiciary's approach to bilingualism as the constitutional guarantee of the right to use either Irish or English for any official purpose has proved highly flexible. However, while emphasis has been laid on principles of constitutional interpretation from the practitioner's perspective, the discursive dimension of cases involving language policy has yet to be fully elucidated. This paper combines quantitative analysis with a qualitative perspective to focus on phraseological and argumentative patterns in Supreme Court judgments on language policy, based on a small corpus. First, the ten most frequent lexical bundles of the corpus were extracted to study the main discourse functions of phraseology in context. Second, a manual text analysis was conducted of the two cases where recurrent phraseological patterns were most widely attested. This allowed for the isolation of the argument schemes underlying the structure of the Justices' opinions. While phraseology points to a shared institutional identity of Irish Justices as gatekeepers of the Constitution, the use of argumentative patterns suggests that they may forge heterogeneous professional identities, by shifting from a rigouristic view of language rights to forms of judicial pragmatism.

Author Biography

  • Davide Mazzi, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia

    Davide Mazzi is Assistant Professor in English Language and Translation at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. His research activity has focused on discourse analysis, corpus linguistics and argumentation studies. In particular, his research interests have concentrated on legal, academic, healthcare and news discourse. His recent publications include: '"Our reading would lead to...": Corpus Perspectives on Pragmatic Argumentation in US Supreme Court Judgments' (Journal of Argumentation in Context, 2014) and The Theoretical Background and Practical Implications of Argumentation in Ireland (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016).


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How to Cite

Mazzi, D. (2018). Phraseology, argumentation and identity in the Supreme Court of Ireland’s judgments on language policy. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 11(3), 315-337.