Walk the talk – Using a shared terminology within writing education for eight- to ten-year-olds


  • Cherise S. Kristoffersen Norwegian University of Science and Technology




intervention, mixed-methods, primary pupils, shared terminology, six dimensions, writing instruction


This article reports on a study with the main hypothesis that active use of a shared metalinguistic terminology will assist teachers and students in their writing development. To test this hypothesis an intervention study was designed involving professional development sessions with teachers over two years. The sessions introduced and negotiated a shared metalinguistic terminology and strategically planned how to contextualize the shared terminology in dialogue with the teachers. The building of a shared terminology was based upon the following traits: ideas, organization, voice, conventions, word choice and sentence fluency. For the purposes of this study, I concentrate on the traits of word choice and sentence fluency as previous research indicates a lack of shared vocabulary in these areas. The quantitative results are from 101 students ages eight to ten producing 404 texts. The texts were scored on word choice and sentence fluency by four teachers. The statistical results indicate a large effect size. In discussing these findings, the contextualization of the shared terminology is considered through interviews and evaluations with teachers. The findings may provide indicators for the use of the shared terminology and for how the terminology was successfully embedded in writing, teaching and learning practices of the classrooms.

Author Biography

  • Cherise S. Kristoffersen, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    Cherise S. Kristoffersen is a doctoral candidate in writing research in the Department of Language and Literature at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. She has also established the Trondheim Writing Project, the first associate of the US National Writing Project in northern Europe. Cherise's research focuses on writing development within primary schools and on enhancing teacher practice in order to improve student literacy.   


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How to Cite

Kristoffersen, C. S. (2018). Walk the talk – Using a shared terminology within writing education for eight- to ten-year-olds. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 11(3), 292-314. https://doi.org/10.1558/japl.26367