The joint production of confession in qualitative research interviews


  • Liselott Aarsand Norwegian University of Science and Technology
  • Pål Aarsand Norwegian University of Science and Technology



collaborative practice, confessional talk, social norms, footing, (self-; other-; co-)initiated, qualitative research interview


Uncovering the self and telling the ‘truth’ about who we are, or to confess, is a widespread social phenomenon in contemporary Western societies. The present article moves beyond a preoccupation with confession as revealing inner thoughts, shortcomings and aspirations to rather seeing it as a particular way to speak. The data material consists of 20 qualitative research interviews from two distinct research projects, where the analytical focus is on how confessional talk is initiated and managed in situ. The findings show that confessional talk emerges and is established differently following the pattern of being self-initiated, other-initiated or co-initiated. Accordingly, confession is not necessarily the consequence of a particular question from an interviewer, or a single response from an interviewee, but is developed in and through a course of interaction with contributions from all interlocutors. By highlighting the dynamic work within the interview sequences, the findings may contribute to the lively debate on how to theorize and analyze qualitative interviewing. To better capture the complexities of interviewing, a slight shift – from the role of the interviewer to the role(s) of the researcher – is suggested, which calls for more focus on the particular frame of qualitative research.

Author Biographies

  • Liselott Aarsand, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    Liselott Aarsand is Professor at the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. Her research mainly takes a discourse analytical perspective and comprises ethnographic works and qualitative interviews with a particular interest in learning and subjectification in adult education, the media and other everyday sites. Recently she has investigated family life and parenting as lifelong learning practices.

  • Pål Aarsand, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

    Pål Aarsand is Professor at the Department of Education and Lifelong Learning, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. His research concerns children’s use of digital media across sites with a particular interest in media literacies, identities, play and gameplay in interaction. He is also interested in methodological challenges and ethical dilemmas in discourse analytical and ethnographic research with children.


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How to Cite

Aarsand, L., & Aarsand, P. (2018). The joint production of confession in qualitative research interviews. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 11(3), 227-247.