Exploring the role of interactional metadiscourse in the attainment of persuasion

A contrastive study of British and Iranian editorials


  • Leila Khabbazi-Oskouei University of East Anglia




editorial, functional syntactic approach, interactional metadiscourse, metadiscourse, persuasion, propositional/nonpropositional content


Starting from the assumption that there may be intercultural variations in the use of rhetorical devices in different cultures, this study focuses on ‘interactional metadiscourse’ in British and Iranian argumentation. This is achieved by using the author’s model for analysing these metadiscursive devices. To this purpose, a corpus of 32 British and Iranian newsmagazine editorials has been collected, with a view to analysing how British and Iranian editorialists use similar or different means of persuasion. The findings suggest that these markers can be found in both sub-corpora but that there are variations as to their distribution and composition. The findings of the contrastive analysis are presented and discussed in the light of the political and cultural settings of the two sets of data.

Author Biography

  • Leila Khabbazi-Oskouei, University of East Anglia

    Leila Khabbazi-Oskouei received her PhD in Linguistics from the University of East Anglia. Her research interests include Patterns of cross-cultural variation in British and Iranian discourse, the expression of interactional metadiscourse in the media, intercultural communication and Intercultural pragmatics. Her most recent publication is ‘Propositional or non-propositional, That is the question: A new approach to analyzing interpersonal metadiscourse in editorials’ (2013, Journal of Pragmatics). Email: [email protected]


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How to Cite

Khabbazi-Oskouei, L. (2018). Exploring the role of interactional metadiscourse in the attainment of persuasion : A contrastive study of British and Iranian editorials. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 11(1), 50-71. https://doi.org/10.1558/japl.24052