

  • Anna De Fina Italian Department, ICC 307L Georgetown University, USA.



linguistics, professional practice, social work


Commentary: Social workers and users encounters: narrative and accounting practices

Author Biography

  • Anna De Fina, Italian Department, ICC 307L Georgetown University, USA.

    Anna De Fina is Professor of Italian Language and Linguistics in the Italian Department, and Affiliated Faculty with the Linguistics Department at Georgetown University. Her interests and publications focus on identity, migration, super-diversity and storytelling. Her publications include the edited volume Diversity and Superdiversity. Sociocultural Linguistic Perspectives (with D. Ikizoglu and J. Wegner, Georgetown University Press, 2017), Identity in Narrative: A Study of Immigrant Discourse (John Benjamins, 2003) and Analyzing Narratives (coauthored with Alexandra Georgakopoulou, Cambridge University Press, 2012).


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How to Cite

De Fina, A. (2017). Afterword. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 10(3), 389-394.