Somewhere between evil and normal

Traces of morality in a child-protection helpline


  • Jonathan Potter Loughborough University
  • Alexa Hepburn Loughborough University



Conversation analysis, discursive psychology, helpline interaction, moral evaluations, tut particles


This article considers the way commonplace moral actions such as expressing disapproval and offering sympathy are managed in interaction on a child protection helpline. Although the helpline routinely engages with callers’ reports of traumatic events such as child neglect and abuse, overt moral assessments by call takers such as expressions of disapproval and displays of sympathy are much less common. We argue that this resistance to displays of sympathy and disapproval by call takers relates to key institutional tasks of (a) gathering information for referral to other services and offering advice; (b) avoiding actions that could disrupt the necessary interrogation of reports; and (c) holding off alignment with precise versions of events and responsibility that are often the very thing at stake in the call. Nevertheless, call takers may use more indirect traces of morality such as prosodic inflections or precisely positioned ‘tut’ particles to acknowledge the relevance or moral evaluations while not disrupting the trajectory of the report and its assessment. More broadly, this illustrates some of the complex ways in which moral practices are refined and transformed in institutional settings.

Author Biographies

  • Jonathan Potter, Loughborough University

    Jonathan Potter is Professor of Discourse Analysis and Dean of the School of Social, Political and Geographical Sciences at Loughborough University. He has worked on fundamental issues to do with the nature of human action and social science method. Recent empirical work has focused on the nature of directives, threats and admonishments in relation practical questions of socialization and behavioural management in family settings. He has also studied the nature of advice and advice resistance in helpline interaction and developed ways of working with practitioners to improve practice.

  • Alexa Hepburn, Loughborough University

    Alexa Hepburn is Reader in Social Psychology in the Department of Social Sciences at Loughborough University, UK. Her research explores the transcription and interactional management of emotion, epistemics and asymmetry. She is currently working closely with video materials of family mealtimes and clinical and counselling encounters, as well as various types of telephone interaction. She is also developing and delivering training workshops to practitioners, and co-authoring a book on transcription for interactional researchers.


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How to Cite

Potter, J., & Hepburn, A. (2015). Somewhere between evil and normal: Traces of morality in a child-protection helpline. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 9(2), 245-262.