Family therapy and accountability


  • Karin Aronsson Stockholm University
  • Ann-Christin Cederborg Stockholm University



accountability, alignments, blame, categorizations, problem descriptions


A basic issue of family morality is the local matrix of accountabilities, that is, the regulation of issues concerning who is accountable to whom and in what areas. Family therapy talk is therefore a genre that may inform us about the moral order of family life. This paper draws on video-recorded sessions of family therapy (involving adolescents and their parents). The analyses involve detailed sequential analyses of alignments and disalignments in the creation and contestation of various blame accounts, including analyses of justification and excuses as responses to blame. The therapeutic sessions are partly oriented to the nature of 'the problem'. Therapy talk between parents and children is indeed found to be replete with blame-implicative descriptions and categorizations. The analyses specifically focus on the ways in which blame-implicative descriptions and social categorizations are deployed and contested in blame sequences between parent and child. Both parties deployed a number of interactional resources for backing up their social categorizations and their version of past events.

Author Biographies

  • Karin Aronsson, Stockholm University

    Karin Aronsson is Professor at the Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden. Much of her research concerns multiparty conversations in institutional settings, including family-therapy sessions, pediatric interviews, child custody disputes, and classroom discourse. Some of her recent work concerns directives, emotions and the local regulation of the social order of everyday family life.

  • Ann-Christin Cederborg, Stockholm University

    Ann-Christin Cederborg is Professor and Head at the Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University, Sweden. Most of her research concerns children in vulnerable living situations. Her research focus is particularly on children in migration, children with psychological problems, children exposed to sexual and physical abuse, as well as children exposed to bullying. She also examines best practice techniques for interviewing children.


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How to Cite

Aronsson, K., & Cederborg, A.-C. (2015). Family therapy and accountability. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 9(2), 193-212.