‘I’m a nurse and I have the responsibility’

Human identity and non-human stakeholder agency in healthcare practice


  • Inger Lassen Aalborg University




actor network, agency, grammatical metaphor, non-human actor, professional practice, Transitivity


This article explores the interplay of human and non human actors in a Danish hospital setting in which corporate and individual stakeholder identities are negotiated, contested or aligned with the common goal of providing good health care. Viewing the hospital as a network of stakeholders, and following Luoma-Aho and Paloviita (2010), I subscribe to the argument that non-human agency has been given too little attention in stakeholder literature. From this point of departure I discuss the complexities of nonhuman agency, bringing together aspects of Latour’s Actor Network Theory (ANT) and Halliday’s Grammatical Metaphor Theory. I subsequently combine ANT and Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) Theory (specifically, Grammatical Metaphor Theory, Transitivity analysis, and Mood and Modality) in analyses of selected data in an empirical case study of a hospital in Denmark. In the analyses I focus on the complex nature of non-human agency as construed in printed materials and interviews with nursing staff in one of the hospital wards. I discuss how non-human stakeholders might influence the construal of identity among nursing staff and conclude with reflections on the role played by non-human stakeholders in a healthcare sector increasingly governed by private-sector management instruments.

Author Biography

  • Inger Lassen, Aalborg University

    Inger Lassen (1948) received her PhD in linguistics in 1999 from Aalborg University and is currently professor of Discourse in Professional Settings and Director of the Doctoral Programme Discourse and Contemporary Culture at Aalborg University. Her research interests include discourse and genre studies in organizations and professional settings. Her most recent book-length publication is Living with Patriarchy: Discursive Constructions of Gendered Subjects across Cultures (2011, Benjamins. Co-edited with Danijela Majstorovic).


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How to Cite

Lassen, I. (2013). ‘I’m a nurse and I have the responsibility’: Human identity and non-human stakeholder agency in healthcare practice. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 9(1), 105-126. https://doi.org/10.1558/japl.v9i1.105