Gendered discourses in Speech and Language Therapy


  • Lia Litosseliti City University London
  • Claire Leadbeater City University London, UK



gendered discourses, speech and language therapy, focus groups, career choice


The Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) profession in the UK presents a striking example of ‘occupational sex segregation’: men make up only 2.5% of SLTs. This paper discusses parts of a research project which explored the gendered discourses that construct speech and language therapy as a gendered profession or as ‘women’s work’. Data were collected via questionnaires, interviews and focus groups with SLT graduates, Speech and Language Therapists, SLT teachers and careers advisors in London, UK. Data were analysed qualitatively using grounded theory principles, iterative thematic analysis and discourse analysis. The findings show that the gender imbalance (in terms of numbers) in this profession is shored up by a range of gendered discourses and their associated social practices: discourses of SLT as a gendered profession; gender differences discourses; discourses of women as ‘carers/ nurturers’ and as ‘superior communicators’; and discourses of gender and career progression. These discourses were sometimes taken as given and reinforced by research participants, while at other times they were contested. The research presented here constitutes a much-needed starting point in the investigation of an under-researched area, and aims to extend our understanding of the topic from a critical discursive perspective.

Author Biographies

  • Lia Litosseliti, City University London

    Lia Litosseliti is a Senior Lecturer in Linguistics and BSc Programme Director in the Division of Language and Communication Science at City University London. Her research interests are in the areas of gender and language, discourse analysis and research methodologies. She is the author of Using Focus Groups in Research (2003) and Gender and Language: Theory and Practice (2006); editor of Research Methods in Linguistics (2010); and co editor of Gender Identity and Discourse Analysis (2002), Gender and Language Research Methodologies (2008) and Gender and Language in African Contexts (2013).

  • Claire Leadbeater, City University London, UK

    Claire Leadbeater is a Speech and Language Therapist currently working in the Cayman Islands. Her experiences of working as an SLT in London and other countries have led to an interest in issues of diversity in the profession, including cultural diversity and gender. She has carried out research studies and published in these areas with Lia Litosseliti.


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How to Cite

Litosseliti, L., & Leadbeater, C. (2013). Gendered discourses in Speech and Language Therapy. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 8(3), 295-315.