Issues for interpreters and professionals working in refugee settings


  • Ineke Crezee Auckland University of Technology
  • Shirley Jülich Massey University, Albany
  • Maria Hayward Auckland University of Technology, Centre for Refugee Education



interpreters, healthcare communication, vicarious traumatisation, intercultural communication, interpreter-mediated communication, refugee settings


Many countries around the world become recipient societies for refugees from a number of international ‘hotspots’. The current paper examines problems facing interpreters in refugee settings in both the New Zealand and Australian contexts. New Zealand receives 750 quota refugees each year, all of whom spend the first six weeks after arrival at the Refugee Resettlement Centre in Mangere, Auckland. Several studies have shown that inadequate communication between healthcare providers and patients with limited English not only limits their ability to access services but also affects the quality of the services received (Minas et al. 2001). In theory, this issue could be alleviated by the use of interpreters; however, the latter may not always find it easy to carry out their task, especially when interpreting in refugee settings. Research instruments in this study included an online survey for interpreters and separate focus discussion groups involving interpreters and professionals working with interpreters in refugee settings. Responses indicated that refugee mental health interpreting, in particular, often involves unexpected challenges for both interpreters and professionals, which may be difficult to address. An examination of issues is followed by recommendations for ways of addressing these issues.

Author Biographies

  • Ineke Crezee, Auckland University of Technology

    Ineke Crezee completed studies in English and Translation Studies in the Netherlands, where she also graduated as a Registered Nurse and interpreted for refugees. She has been involved in healthcare interpreting training in Auckland, New Zealand since 1991 and published her first textbook for healthcare interpreters in 1998. Her PhD is in Applied Language Studies.

  • Shirley Jülich, Massey University, Albany

    Shirley Jülich is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Health and Social Services, Massey University. Her PhD was in the area of historical child sexual abuse and restorative justice. Shirley is particularly interested in the intersection of justice and recovery, and is a founding member of Project Restore, a provider group positioned across community agencies using restorative processes to address sexual violence.

  • Maria Hayward, Auckland University of Technology, Centre for Refugee Education

    Maria Hayward is a Senior Lecturer and Manager of the Centre for Refugee Education, which is aligned to AUT University in Auckland. She has worked in refugee education contexts for over 20 years and as well as managing the on arrival programme for refugees, currently lectures both at the Refugee Resettlement Centre and to professionals working with refugees. Her research interests are refugee education and resettlement.


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How to Cite

Crezee, I., Jülich, S., & Hayward, M. (2013). Issues for interpreters and professionals working in refugee settings. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 8(3), 253-273.