Asylum interviews as interrogations to unmask bogus refugees

The case of Belgian asylum agencies


  • Isabel Gomez Diez Centro de idiomas de la Universidad de Cantabria



bogus asylum seeker, admissibility phase/procedure, screening interview, interrogation techniques, credibility (assessment), inconsistencies


This paper examines the interaction between officers and asylum applicants in admissibility interviews by analyzing twelve interviews recorded during my fieldwork in the Belgian Immigration Department (ID) between 2004 and 2007, their corresponding records, and the ID’s decisions. This paper focuses on some officers’ practices during the interview, suggesting that they categorize the applicants as bogus refugees from the very beginning of the interview. In those cases, their main objective becomes one of unmasking them as bogus refugees and eliciting elements that may be used by the asylum agencies in order to arrive at a negative decision. To this end, the officials employ interrogation techniques that may well cause the applicant to become confused and thus jeopardize the construction of the climate of confidence needed in an asylum interview.

Author Biography

  • Isabel Gomez Diez, Centro de idiomas de la Universidad de Cantabria

    Isabel Gómez Díez received her PhD in Language Science and Applied Linguistics from the Universidad Pompeu Fabra and, after teaching linguistics in the Hispanic domain at different Belgium universities for ten years, she is currently teacher of Spanish language at the Centro de idiomas de la Universidad de Cantabria (Santander, Spain). Her research interests include the critical analysis of discourse in gatekeeping encounters and the analysis of informal conversation among Spanish-speaking youngsters from within sociocultural pragmatics.


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How to Cite

Gomez Diez, I. (2013). Asylum interviews as interrogations to unmask bogus refugees : The case of Belgian asylum agencies. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 8(1), 23-47.