On displacement and engagement

The embedding of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Studies


  • Srikant Sarangi Aalborg University




applied linguistics, professional practice, healthcare, displacement



Author Biography

  • Srikant Sarangi, Aalborg University

    Srikant Sarangi is currently Professor in Humanities and Medicine and Director of the Danish Institute of Humanities and Medicine (DIHM) at Aalborg University, Denmark. He is Honorary Professor at Cardiff University and Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, UK. His research interests are in institutional/ professional discourse studies (e.g., healthcare, social work, bureaucracy, education) and applied linguistics. He is author and editor of twelve books, guest editor of five journal special issues and has published nearly two hundred journal articles and book chapters. He is editor of Text & Talk; Communication & Medicine and Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice.


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How to Cite

Sarangi, S. (2015). On displacement and engagement: The embedding of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice Studies. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 6(2), 191-215. https://doi.org/10.1558/japl.v6i2.27612