Interrelationship between linguistic identity, perception, psychological wellbeing and context

Use of global English in an Australian context


  • Noparat Tananuraksakul South-East Asia University



linguistic identity, perception, psychological wellbeing, context, English as a global language


The present era of globalization has witnessed the influence of use of global English between non-native and native speakers giving rise to a variety of accented speech. In this paper, it is argued that when these two groups interact through the medium of English, there is a sense of power attached to non-native interlocutors’ ability to communicate with culturally different others. Their sense of power appears to be influenced by their intrapersonal and interpersonal perceptions of the ability to speak English like a native, which mirrors how they want to present their face or identity when they socially and academically interact with culturally different others. Their intrapersonal and interpersonal perceptions of failure to communicate in English will in turn affect their psychological wellbeing. The argument is based on an empirical study, which was undertaken in an Australian context. Fifteen international postgraduate students from non-native English and culturally diverse backgrounds voluntarily participated in this study

Author Biography

  • Noparat Tananuraksakul, South-East Asia University

    Noparat Tananuraksakul received her PhD in Linguistics at Macquarie University in Sydney. Her PhD thesis is entitled ‘The Impacts of English Language Proficiency on International Students’ Personal Security in an Imagining Village in Australia’. Her research interests include teaching EFL, intercultural communication and social psychology of language.


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How to Cite

Tananuraksakul, N. (2015). Interrelationship between linguistic identity, perception, psychological wellbeing and context: Use of global English in an Australian context. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 6(2), 143-163.