An editorial interface

A retrospective/prospective account


  • Srikant Srikant Aalborg University



Applied Linguistics

Author Biography

  • Srikant Srikant, Aalborg University

    Srikant Sarangi is Professor in Language and Communication and Director of the Health Communication Research Centre at Cardiff University, Wales, UK ( He is also Professor in Language and Communication at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway; Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Humanities, Aalborg University, Denmark; and Honorary Professor at the Centre for the Humanities and Medicine, The University of Hong Kong.


Candlin, C. N. and Sarangi, S. (2004) Making applied linguistics matter. Journal of Applied Linguistics 1 (1): 1–8.

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Sarangi, S. (2005) The conditions and consequences of professional discourse studies. Journal of Applied Linguistics 2 (3): 371–394. Also published in R. Kiely, P. Rea-Dickins, H. Woodfield and G. Clibbon (eds) (2006) Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics, 199–220. London: Equinox.

Sarangi, S. (2015, in press) Experts on experts: Sustaining communities of interest in professional discourse studies. In M. Gotti, S. Maci and M. Sala (eds) Insights into Medical Communication. Bern: Peter Lang.

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Sarangi, S. and Candlin, C. N. (2004a) Making methodology matter. Journal of Applied Linguistics 1 (2): 101–106.

Sarangi, S. and Candlin, C. N. (2004b) Making inter-relationality matter in applied linguistics. Journal of Applied Linguistics 1 (3): 225–228.

Sarangi, S. and Candlin, C. N. (2010) Editorial: Applied linguistics and professional practice: Mapping a future agenda. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice 7 (1): 1–9.

Sarangi, S. and Candlin, C. N. (2011) Professional and organisational practice: A discourse/ communication perspective. In C. N. Candlin and S. Sarangi (eds) Handbook of Communication in Organisations and Professions, 3–60. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.







How to Cite

Srikant, S. (2015). An editorial interface: A retrospective/prospective account. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 6(2), 115-119.