The need for a tertium comparationis in Applied Linguistics and SLA

A reply to Lantolf and Cazden


  • Lars Sigfred Evensen NTNU



Second language acquisition



Author Biography

  • Lars Sigfred Evensen, NTNU

    Lars Sigfred Evensen received his PhD in applied linguistics from The University of Trondheim and is currently professor at The Norwegian University of Technology and Science (NTNU). His research interests include philosophy of science, dialogism and theory of grounding in discourse analysis, writing research and assessment. His monograph Applied Linguistics: Towards a New Integration will appear in 2011 (London: Equinox).


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How to Cite

Evensen, L. S. (2015). The need for a tertium comparationis in Applied Linguistics and SLA: A reply to Lantolf and Cazden. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 5(2), 221-227.