'The Games People Play’

Taking on Postgraduate Identities in the Context of Writer Circles


  • Mapfumo Clement Chihota University of Cape Town




Applied Linguistics


Here Clement Chihota reflects on the nature of the space provided by Writer Circles in a project designed to support postgraduate students in their writing of research. Innovative, multidisciplinary and elusive, Writer Circles raise many questions about the nature of postgraduate student literacy, identity and what the UCT Writing Centre has begun to describe as ‘the postgraduate condition’.

Author Biography

  • Mapfumo Clement Chihota, University of Cape Town

    Mapfumo Clement Chihota is a part-time consultant/lecturer on the postgraduate writing project in the University of Cape Town (UCT) Writing Centre and a PhD student in the Department of Language and Literature. He taught at a high school and teachers’ college in Zimbabwe before becoming a lecturer/subject-coordinator in Applied Linguistics at the Zimbabwe Open University (ZOU). He has written a ZOU module on the interfaces between language, literature and communication and has published poetry and fiction.


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How to Cite

Chihota, M. C. (2015). ’The Games People Play’: Taking on Postgraduate Identities in the Context of Writer Circles. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 4(1), 131-136. https://doi.org/10.1558/japl.v4i1.131