Underlying principles of organizational competence


  • Roberts Yates Department of English and Philosophy
  • James Kenkel Department of English, Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, KY




second language acquisition, competence, relevance theory, basic variety


We argue that a cognitive perspective provides an understanding of the principles underlying the communication of L2 learners. Specifically we propose that learners’ knowledge of organizational competence, the ordering of information in sentences to construct texts, is principled and underlain by language and communicative universals. We assume that knowledge of language is modular; there are two basic principles that all learners have access to. There is a universal pragmatic principle based on Relevance Theory and universal principles of ordering based on the Basic Variety. We show how these assumptions provide insight into the non-target-like structures in texts composed by low-level L2 learners


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How to Cite

Yates, R., & Kenkel, J. (2015). Underlying principles of organizational competence. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 3(3), 259-279. https://doi.org/10.1558/japl.v3.i3.259