Trascription in practice

nonstandard orthography


  • Alexandra M Jaffe California State University, Long Beach



orthography, nonstandard, transcriptions, respellings


Transcriptions of spoken data are a central element of much applied linguistic research, serving both as the basis for large-scale corpora used by multiple analysts, and as one of the primary ways in which spoken data is presented in scholarly work. This article applies a political and ideological perspective to the analysis of a specific aspect of transcriptional practice that is seldom given much attention: the use of nonstandard orthography. While orthographic choices are often treated as neutral, transparent or trivial dimensions of applied linguistics transcripts, a review of the literature shows that nonstandard orthographies covertly attribute sociolinguistic stigma to those they represent. It goes on to explore in detail the sociolinguistic and pragmatic information value of nonstandard orthography in transcriptions, considering issues of predictability, consistency, intertextuality, and audience and readers’ interpretive frameworks. The conclusions argue for recognition among applied linguists of the representational work done by nonstandard orthographies and hence, for very selective, principled and explicitly flagged uses of these spellings in academic corpora and transcripts.

Author Biography

  • Alexandra M Jaffe, California State University, Long Beach

    Alexandra Jaffe received her PhD in Linguistic Anthropology from Indiana University and is currently Professor of inguistics at California State University, Long Beach. Author of Ideologies in Action: Language Politics on Corsica (Mouton de Gruyter 1999) her research interests include minority language politics and education, language in the media, and the politics of orthographic practices.


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How to Cite

Jaffe, A. M. (2015). Trascription in practice: nonstandard orthography. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 3(2), 163-183.