Making inter-relationality matter in applied linguistics


  • Christopher N. Candlin Macquarie University
  • Srikant Sarangi Cardiff University



methodology in applied linguistics


Managing the first year of life of a new journal is a struggle in many ways: recruiting of authors, filtering stronger papers from weaker ones, chasing reviewers for timely, constructive reports – the list can go on. It will be for readers to determine, but on reflection, we feel we have accomplished what we had set out to achieve in bringing this new journal to life (Candlin & Sarangi, 2004). The inaugural volume (comprising the three issues), with its breadth of themes and methodologies, we hope will have put some markers for future authors and readers of the journal in the ever-widening field of applied linguistics.


Candlin, C. N. and Sarangi, S. (2004) Making applied linguistics matter. Journal of Applied Linguistics 1(1): 1–8.

Crystal, D. (2003) Final frontiers in applied linguistics? In S. Sarangi and T. van Leeuwen (eds) Applied Linguistics and Communities of Practice 9–24. London: Continuum.

Natanson, M. (1956) The Social Dynamics of George H. Mead. Washington, DC: Public Affairs Press.

Sarangi, S. (2002) Discourse practitioners as a community of interprofessional practice: some insights from health communication research. In C. N. Candlin (ed.) Research and Practice in Professional Discourse 95–135. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong Press.

Sarangi, S. and Candlin, C. N. (2001) Motivational relevancies: some methodological reflections on sociolinguistic practice. In N. Coupland, S. Sarangi and C. N. Candlin (eds) Sociolinguistics and Social Theory 350–88. London: Pearson.







How to Cite

Candlin, C. N., & Sarangi, S. (2004). Making inter-relationality matter in applied linguistics. Journal of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 1(3), 225-228.