Constructive dialogue, disruptive criticism and the complex dynamics of academic life


  • Gabriele Pallotti Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia



Methodology, linguistic complexity, epistemology, complex dynamics systems theory, ethics, SLA theories


In her article ‘Issues of narrowness and staticity in ISLA’, Han presents a radical criticism of previous ISLA research, listing a number of faults and limitations that can be ascribed to a narrow and static view on the phenomena of interest. In this reply, I argue that many of these accusations are unwarranted and that they exacerbate academic debate rather than promoting constructive dialogue among different approaches. Han’s proposal for a ‘new way’ of doing research is inspired by some polemical versions of Complex Dynamic System Theory, which easily dismiss the contribution of other methodologies while remaining rather vague on the level of concrete solutions. It is argued that every approach is to some extent reductionist, that narrowness and staticity are inevitable, and that instead of being the target of violent reproach they should become the object of rational discussions about when, what and to what degree one should simplify.

Author Biography

  • Gabriele Pallotti, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia

    Gabriele Pallotti is a professor of Language teaching methodology at the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. His research focuses on interlanguage development, linguistic complexity, morphology, L2 interaction, methodology and epistemology in applied linguistics. He co-ordinates the project Observing interlanguage and is the associate editor of the Eurosla Studies Series (Language Science Press).


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How to Cite

Pallotti, G. (2023). Constructive dialogue, disruptive criticism and the complex dynamics of academic life. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 7(1), 27-40.