Inclusive and accessible teaching of Russian L2 to absolute beginners

A comparison between TBLT and PPP


  • Giorgia Pomarolli University of Verona
  • Daniele Artoni University of Verona
  • Manuel Boschiero University of Verona
  • Sabrina Piccinin University of Verona



Russian L2, inclusion, accessibility, TBLT, early L2 acquisition


The current study aims at investigating to what extent different models are suitable for teaching L2 Russian to absolute beginners in an inclusive and accessible environment. Our research involved an Experimental Group, which received Task-based Learning (TBL) instruction, and a Control Group, which experienced a more traditional presentation-practice-production (PPP) approach; both groups included learners with special educational needs (SEN), among whom some were visually impaired.

As most literature advocates for TBLT over traditional teaching, we hypothesised that the Experimental Group would have acquired a better command of the taught structures. We tested our hypothesis by conducting a post-test on speaking and writing abilities, as well as listening comprehension, and reading comprehension skills.

Quantitative analysis on the results of the post-test reveals how both approaches were effective. Furthermore, the group that received TBLT had statistically significant better scores than the PPP-group with regard to writing skills.

Author Biographies

  • Giorgia Pomarolli, University of Verona

    Giorgia Pomarolli received her PhD in Foreign Literatures, Languages and Linguistics at the University of Verona. She has taught Russian as an adjunct professor in Verona, Padua and Trento. She has held a Postdoctoral Research position in Russian language and teaching at the University of Verona. Her research interests include linguoculturology, Russian language teaching and learning, inclusive and accessible language education.

  • Daniele Artoni, University of Verona

    Daniele Artoni holds a PhD in Linguistics. He is Senior Assistant Professor in Slavic Studies at the University of Verona, where he teaches Russian Linguistics and Slavic Philology. His research interests include second language teaching and acquisition, sociolinguistics, pragmatics and accessible teaching. Within the field of accessible teaching, he is currently working on accessible testing and the development of metalinguistic competences in a diverse learning environment.

  • Manuel Boschiero, University of Verona

    Manuel Boschiero is Associate Professor in Slavic Studies at the University of Verona, where he teaches Russian Literature, Russian Language and Slavic Philology. His research interests mainly focus on twentieth- and twenty-first-century Russian literature and inclusive education. He is the scientific coordinator of the GIAM Project. Currently he is working on accessible testing in the context of L2 Russian teaching and learning.

  • Sabrina Piccinin, University of Verona

    Sabrina Piccinin holds a PhD in Linguistics and is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Verona. Her research interests include morphology, literacy development, second language acquisition and second language teaching. In particular, she has been focusing on the morphological skills of non-native speakers of Italian and on the designing of specific teaching interventions for both adult and child learners of Italian. Recently, her research interests have expanded to the area of accessibility and inclusiveness in language teaching.


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How to Cite

Pomarolli, G., Artoni, D., Boschiero, M., & Piccinin, S. (2023). Inclusive and accessible teaching of Russian L2 to absolute beginners: A comparison between TBLT and PPP. Instructed Second Language Acquisition, 7(2), 166-193.